About Me

Here is a little info about me.  I'm a 29 year old wife, mom and pastor.  I am seriously passionate about the Lord, my family, friends and ministry.  I've been married to my husband Scott for 7 years.  He is my hero...my prince!  Scott releases me to be all that God has called me to be.  Besides that he is my best friend and I love spending as much time with him as I possibly can.  My two boys, Dominic and James are my daily delights.  Dominic is 4 and James is 2.  They are loud, active and adventurous and they melt my heart being just that!  They both have an incredibly soft and nurturing nature.   I love the way God individually designed them and how their giftings shine through, even at such a young age.  I am a blessed woman!

I am the baby of the family; youngest of 3 girls.  I was born into a ministry family to a Norwegian mom and an American dad.  My parents began pastoring in their 20's.  They planted churches and served on the mission field as well.  I grew up in church and grew up loving church!  I am very grateful for my heritage.  In fact, most of my childhood memories have something to do with church or ministry.  As a little kid I spent most of my time singing at the top of my lungs, laying in front of our stereo with huge headphones over my ears.  My passion for singing developed into a passion for worship and at age 13 I began singing on worship team for my youth group and began leading worship at age 17.  I always had a heart for the ministry and realized in my late teens that I had a calling on my life.

Me, age 3 in Norway

Not every young person is surrounded by mentors and spiritual moms and dads.  I however, was very fortunate to have strong mentors in my life that poured into me continually.  These people have certainly been shaping influences in my life.

I met Scott on July 3, 2001 and "the rest is history" as they say!  That day certainly changed my life forever.  We got engaged a year later on July 5, 2002 and were married February 22, 2003.  Just prior to getting married we planted Grace North Church, together with Scott's parents, Joe and Marion Ingegneri and our dear friends, John and Stevie Mitchell.  Grace North is now a thriving, growing, dynamic, life-giving body of believers!  I'm privileged to serve at Grace North as Co-Worship Pastor, Women's Pastor and Director of Discipleship.

I love a good strong cup of coffee, listening to worship music, playing with my kids, going on dates with my husband, decorating, writing, giving gifts, spending time with friends, building relationships, growing in Christ and serving the body of Christ.