Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Nuggets" I'm Pondering

The past month has been saturated with incredible encounters with God and amazing ministers who have spoken at my home church, Grace North Church in Anthem, AZ.  My church is currently in a time of transition between facilities, so our temporary dwelling place is a tent in the middle of the desert.  Yes, you read correctly...a tent in the middle of the desert!  Here are a few pictures :)

Isn't it awesome?!  We are calling our tent days a time of revival, which they truly are.  Our slogan for these memorable days is "THE HEAT IS ON".  Appropriate, don't you think?  We've enjoyed several special guest speakers as well as a week away in Atlanta, Georgia for the International Foursquare Convention. 

My heart is full and there are some nuggets of truth and revelation I've received over the past month (from pastors and speakers at Grace North and Foursquare Convention in Atlanta) that I thought you may like to hear. Have fun chewing!


"What Jesus can do He wants to do.  There is no brokenness in Jesus." - Leslie Keegal
"There are factual obstacles, but faith laughs at obstacles!" - Leslie Keegal

"The people of God should be desperate all the time, not only in difficult times." - Scott Ingegneri
"Desperate people go to desperate measures to bear fruit." - Scott Ingegneri

"God wants to include you in the celebration of the harvest. Failure to repent causes God to send someone to eat your harvest." (Jer. 5:17) - Marion Ingegneri
"I don't have anything more important to do than preach the gospel." - Marion Ingegneri

"The enemy is not another person.  When we get confused about who the enemy is, we fight against each other." - Harold Helms
"There is nothing as sinful as to be in the middle of sin and not see it." - Harold Helms

"Why would we need The Comforter if we're comfortable?" - Francis Chan
"You're not being humble when you degrade yourself.  You're putting the Almighty God down." - Francis Chan

"Learn how to connect with the world.  Find common ground with the secular community.  If you don't find common ground you cannot take them to higher ground." - John C. Maxwell

"When we "share" the leadership we have greater impact." - James Ranger

"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die." - Dale Jenkins
"The church isn't a cruise ship.  It's a rescue boat!" - Dale Jenkins

"A captivating speaker does not change a life.  The Word does." - Jerry Dirmann

"Multiply = invest yourself in someone with the goal of that person being much better you." - Serafin Contreras
"Every person God brings into your life is intended for fruitfulness.  Don't eat the fruit and throw away the seeds." - Serafin Contreras

"God wants you to be you.  Be happy and free!  Free people act differently because it's not about them." - Ricky Temple
"There is no victory without a challenge." - Ricky Temple

"Any idols you lean on will lean on you." - Glenn Burris, Jr.

"Money follows vision! Provision follows the heartbeat of God." - Bill Page
"The success of others should not diminish you." - Bill Page

"Don't hurry through the wilderness." (Zach. 4) - Rosemary Putman

"God does not live in reality.  Whatever you see as a mountain, God does not see as a mountain." - John Putman
"Do not make decisions based on facts.  Entrust the facts to God." - John Putman

"Embrace others reality." - John Booker
"It's tough to do what's vital.  God is calling the American church out of comfort." - John Booker

"When you worship, house cleaning takes place!" - Caleb Quaye
"The essence of breakthrough worship is thanksgiving." - Caleb Quaye

Thursday, June 10, 2010

In Honor Of My Two Boys...

I adore my children!  Recently they just celebrated birthdays.  James turned 2 on May 29th and Dominic turned 4 on June 8th.  First of all, I can hardly believe that!  All you moms are probably nodding your heads in agreement; reflecting on the thought that time flies!  All of a sudden my firstborn is 4 and my newborn is 2!

These pictures truly reflect the personalities of my little men.  They both bring unsurpassable amounts of joy and laughter and touch my heart each day in a new way. 

Dominic has a habit of constantly drinking out of my water bottle on a daily basis.  The other day in a slightly frustrated manner Scott asked him "Why do you always have to drink out of mommy's cup?" In a most sincere, honest and matter of fact reply Dominic answered "Because you're so sweet and wonderful mommy!"  I melted...

James is a cuddle bug and currently is all about mommy.  As frustrating as this can be at times (only because he wants me to hold him all the time) it is also very precious and I'm simply giving in because soon he'll be all about something else!  Scott and I were recently on a week-long trip away from the boys.  One evening I called to say good-night to the kids but unfortunetely I made James very upset and he began to scream on the phone.  He thought we were coming to get him and didn't understand why I had been gone so long.  As sad as it was to hear James cry, it was also heart-warming to know he missed me!

As parents we are used to expressing love towards our child or children.  However it is something very special when your child begins to express and show love towards you; beyond the hug or kiss on the lips (don't get me wrong, those are very special too).  I am so grateful for the expression of love.  Sometimes you know it's coming and other times it jumps out and surprizes you.  I don't want to take any of the special "love" moments with my boys for granted.  They are so special!

I'd love to hear what qualities you admire about your children or a funny/cute "love" story.  Please comment!


A Virtuous Woman - Ruth

I recently read the story of Ruth.  I absolutely love this passage of scripture! I have read it many times but always glean something new from it each time I read it.  I greatly admire the qualities that Ruth possessed. To name a few:  courage, integrity, loyalty, trust and honor.  What an amazing woman!  Something caught my attention as I came to the part of the story where Ruth is laying at the feet of Boaz. 

Ruth 3:13 - And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman.

Ruth already had a reputation in the town of being a woman of virtue.  Who was this foreign widow who clung to the side of her mother-in-law and returned to a land and people she did not know?  Who would do that?  Ruth's sister-in-law Orpah, returned to her family when Naomi commanded her to.  Why didn't Ruth?  Ruth was insistent!  You can probably envision Ruth at Naomi's side begging her not to force her to return to Moab.  There was no way Ruth was returning to her former life! 

A bit of history: Naomi, her husband Elimelech and their two sons were from Judea.  Because of drought in the land of Judah they settled in Moab because Moab was not experiencing drought.  Their stay in Moab was to be temporary.  However, Elimelech and Naomi's son's married Moabite women, Ruth being one of them.  Unfortunetely Naomi's husband and sons died.  However, Ruth learned something about YAHWEH from her new family.  She had an understanding of the living God.  Ruth was determined that her future, even without a husband, would not look anything like her past.  

Therefore she clung!  Part of walking in virtue is walking away from the past, rejecting sin, unidentifying with the past and embracing Jesus and His plan and future.  Ruth had no idea what she'd face in Israel, however the Lord greatly rewarded her obedience. 

The challenge I received from reading Ruth was simply this - cling!  Sometimes it takes everything you've got to hold on, especially in scary seasons or a season of the unknown.  It is certainly not always easy to turn away from the familiar to something completely unfamiliar.  But great is our reward when we follow Jesus and trust Him completely with our lives.  He promises in His word that He'll never leave us nor forsake us and He also promises life more abundantly.  And I must add that I love the part where the Lord grants Ruth the desires of her heart! 

If we will walk in the way of obedience and trust with our Lord and hold on tight in the midst of the journey, He will will lead us to incredible places. 

He will restore!  He will provide!  He will redeem! This is the God we serve!
