Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Seeing Double

This weeks marks 33 weeks in my twin pregnancy with Kelly Joy & Mia!  Let me tell ya - preparations are in full swing.  Actually, I feel like I'm on the downside now and everything is in place, with just a few things to get ready before their grand arrival.  I thought it would be fun to post a few pics of our preparations! 

Bobby's - these will get a lot of use!

Adorable matching car seats in our nifty double stroller frame

Decor from their room

Clothes,clothes and clothes!  Just a sample of the cuteness filling their closet :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everything Tastes Better in a Starbucks Cup!

Whether it's an iced tea, iced mocha, frappacino, vivano or plain water - everything tastes better in a Starbucks cup!  If you're like me maybe you've wondered why.  Could it be the fact that Starbucks water is triple purified or the cup is just...cool?  Whatever the reason, I always enjoy my Starbucks drink!

This funny little concept got me thinking about real life and how as humans, we can be quite stubborn.  If something isn't "just how we like it" we are apt to disregard it completely, complain about it and freely give our opinion on how we think it should be.  We like things a certain way and as human nature goes, if we don't get our way...watch out world!

The bottom line is that if you have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (which means you have His Spirit living on the inside of you) you are called to do something great that the Lord has designed for you to do.  The bible talks about (Lydia's paraphrase) the works that are prepared for us beforehand and that His desire is that we walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). However stubborness, which is rebellion, keeps us from accomplishing the plan of God for our lives. 

My youngest son James (2 1/2) has a habit of throwing rocks, toys, gadgets and any trinkets he can get his hands on over our block wall back yard fence.  This is of course a big problem and one he has been consistently disciplined for.  You'd think after the first disciplinary action, the well of tears and repentence that he'd get it!  But no - rocks, toys, balls and bats keep flying over the fence!  So again, my husband Scott and I take the actions needed to discipline him and bring correction.  Unfortunetely, James has still not gotten the point and to this day, we are still working on this problem. 

You see, James has formed a habit.  This may seem a silly little example, however you and I have habits too that keep us from "walking worthy of the calling with which you were called." (Ephesians 4:1).

You are called and I am called.  However, there are things that keep us from our calling.  Even though according to you it may "taste better in a Starbucks cup", have you asked the Lord lately where you're settling for what YOU think is best instead of walking in HIS best? 

When you realize God's best and His unique plan, purpose and call for you - everything will taste better!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pregnancy Progress So Far!

Hey Eveyone!
The great adventure continues!  I am 23 1/2 weeks and our precious baby girls are growing and doing so great!  I thought it'd be fun to post some pictures of the progress thus far.  I do want to take a moment to thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers for us.  It means so much knowing that the people of God are praying and believing with us for health and a wonderful pregnancy.  Also, your words of encouragement and love have meant so much to me and Scott.  We feel extrememly blessed!

Inside & Out - Week 8

Inside & Outside - Week 13

Week 16

Outside & Inside Week 19