Monday, November 1, 2010


Good morning friends and loved ones!  By now, you may have already heard the phenominal news that we are expecting twins!  Here they two little peanuts!

(Sorry for the somewhat poor quality - taken with my phone.)

On Friday, October 29th we found out about our incredible blessings!  Total elation and shock flooded both Scott and I.  As if it's not exciting enough to find out your pregnant - the news of twins is beyond description!  As the ultrasound tech conducted the external ultrasound I immediately saw a second "blob" hovering above the first twin. At first I wondered what it could be and before the ultrasound tech said anything at all I just knew!  Before I could even ask she announced that there were two perfectly strong heartbeats and we were indeed having twins.  Scott and I both laughed and cried.  Again, it's hard to find words to express that moment.

This weekend has felt like a bit of a whirlwind as we've announced the news to family, friends and our church family.  We've been completely overwhelmed by the support and ecstatic responses of so many.  This is an unknown and new journey we are embarking on.

My last post, entitled TRANSITIONS, was written on Thursday night, the day prior to finding out about the twins.  How timely!  "Transitions" has taken on an entirely new meaning.  I bless the Lord for His incredible faithfulness.  His gifts are overwhelming and He only gives good gifts!  Even though I would have never planned this outcome, I trust that He knows exactly what is best for our family.  I am honored!
