Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Importance of Routine

"A wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands." - Proverbs 14:1 (NKJV)

I've had several conversations these past few weeks where the topic of a routine has been brought up AND just how important a routine is!  Most women and mom's have a daily routine that includes the entire household.  If you are a woman who follows a daily schedule or routine you're probably shouting AMEN right now!  Having a routine keeps me sane!  I have two small boys (almost 4 and 2) and I am also a wife and full-time pastor.  I cannot imagine my life without the order a routine creates.  Often I've been asked this question: How do you do all that you do?  The answer: I have a routine!

Sometimes creating, implementing and maintaining a schedule/routine is daunting and overwhelming.  However, it doesn't have to be!  I'll admit that I personally felt completley overwhelmed by my life prior to implementing what I call my "God schedule".  Ok, that might sound kind of strange so let me explain!

Several years ago (3 to be exact) I was at the end of myself.  Externally things looked ok and I appeared to make it from point A to point B pretty well.  Internally it was a different story.  I knew I was not living up to the standard that I was convicted in my heart to live by the Holy Spirit, nor was the stewardship of my time and efforts effective for me, my family and ministry. 

As this issue of stewardship (or lack of stewardship) was surfacing in my heart I had a divine connection with one of my mentors.  While visiting her home in California she asked me what my biggest struggle was.  I had no intention of bringing up the fact that I felt like I lived in constant chaos until the words started pouring out and it was obvious I needed some guidance.  (Let me just interject right here and encourge you that if you don't have a Godly mentor in your life, get one!)

My mentor stopped everything she was doing and sat me down at her kitchen table.  She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and said, "start writing!"  "Start writing what?", I asked. She answered, "write down every single thing you do in a week.  Everything from houswork to devotions, family time, alone time, appointments, meeting, etc.  Write it all down!"

So...I started writing.  Within minutes the page was full!  My life....every single detail...on paper.  Again, I felt overwhelmed.  Then my mentor said these words.  "Now take that list to the Lord and ask Him where it all fits.  Ask Him to orchestrate every single task and responsibility in your life.  Once He has told when and where to fit it all in, write it down on your weekly calendar...then do it!" 

Two emotions rushed through me...relief and stupidity!  Why hadn't I thought of this before???  But that feeling didn't last too long.  Actually, I was excited to once and for all relenquish this burden to the Lord and fully make Him Lord in this area.  On the plane ride home I pulled out my piece of paper and prayed for the Lord to show me where all the pieces fit.  It's amazing how quickly the Holy Spirit began to speak to me.  As I submitted myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit He faithfully guided and directed my path. 

You see, there was a dying to self that had to occur in this process.  My life isn't my life...it's HIS life!   I have no business doing everything I want to do when I want to do it.  He is my Savior AND Lord, right?  If that's the case, if He is Lord (which means master, decision maker, controller) then shouldn't He have a say as to what I do and don't do and when I do it?

Jesus asked His disciples and the multitudes this question:
"But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?" - Luke 6:46

This way of thinking is not legalism.  My way of living is a response to the God-said in my life.  I am not saying I never get to go and do anything fun or relaxing or enjoyable.  On the contrary, my life is full of fun things.  In fact, I can enjoy what I do more and walk about with a greater sense of peace and freedom knowing I have faithfully completed what needs to get done and stewarded my time well.  Those pesky details fail to linger over me and distract me.  The greatest call on my life is to be a mom and wife and to manage my home well.  My ministry is unto my family, first and foremost.  If I am not faithful in this the Lord will not entrust me with greater things. 

So, a routine...a word that may cause you to feel stifled or restricted, may just be your path to greater freedom.  Be encouraged today to humble yourself before the Lord; submit your plan, your desires, your schedule and allow Him to fully be Lord of your life.  Allow Him to orchestrate your day.  You'll be so glad you did!

"The humble shall see [this and] be glad; And you who seek God, your hearts shall live." - Psalm 69:32 (NKJV)

Living Life With You,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Walking In Confidence - His Workmanship

I was recently on vacation in sunny, sandy California listening to the roar of waves and admiring my children as they made sand castles and heaved sand in the air! They were beauitful, carefree and confident! Just like our Lord, the Master Craftsman, designed us all to be.

Over the years I have gone through a process of becoming confident in who I am as a daughter of the King, a wife, a mom and a friend.  It was a process that caused me to move beyond being comfortable with who am to confident in who I am. There is a big difference isn't there? Confidence doesn't always equal cockiness.  Although unfortunetely if conficence is not not walked out in grace and humility, confidence can certaily come across as arrogance.  In my growth experience of becoming confident, it just means that I've been set free from some horrible mindsets that were displeasing to God and giving pleasure to the enemy.

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "comfortable in your own skin."  If you happen to be "comfortable in your own skin" that is wonderful and a huge accomplishment! For me personally, I don't want to stop at being comfortable. Have you noticed how many women struggle with identity, insecurity and self-confidence issues? Maybe you do. I certainly did and each day I make a choice to believe what Gods word says about me.

One of my life scriptures is Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

As a teenager and young adult I struggled with insecurity and rejection issues until I had a life changing revelation about the depth and width of Gods love for me.  A breakthrough occured when I realized that I am His workmanship!  The Master Craftsman, the Creator of the universe and all that I see and experience, is the God who created me!  This is no accident!  I am not an accident and neither are you.

To walk in confidence (God-confidence, that is) you must identify the barriars.  What holds you back?  One of my barriars was fear of man.  I was so wrapped up in what others thought of me and spent so much time and energy focused on pleasing people, rather than focusing my attention on pleasing the Lord.  I ended up unfulfilled, frustrated, hurt and stifled as a result.  I lacked self-confidence because I looked to people, not God.  Let's remember ladies - our goal is to please the heart of the Father, not to be a people pleaser!

Take a minute and examine yourself.  Do you have fear?  Does fear steal your confidence or stifle you in any way?  You will not walk about in freedom if you are bound in unbelief or doubt your identity. 

Remember when Peter walked on the water?  The key to his staying afloat was keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus!  It was in Jesus that Peter had confidence to walk on the water.  It is when we keep our eyes on Christ Jesus, the Master Craftsman, that we have confidence to walk out and perform the good works that He has prepared for us.  Don't leave out the last part of Ephesians 2:10....that we should walk in them!

When I fulled grasped what Ephesians 2:10 is saying it brough so much freedom to my life!
  • Because I am HIS workmanship, I am complete!  Nothing is wrong with me! I am in Christ and Christ is in me.
  • I am created to do good works that He has planned and prepared for me.  I don't have to conjur anything up, or try to be like anyone else.  God has a special plan and purpose for me!  
  • When I walk in His will I am fulfilled.  When I walk in my will, I am unfulfilled.  
This is just part one of walking in confidence!  More to come soon....

Walk Confidently,