Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Hello loved ones!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  We love this time of year and all it represents.  A lot has happened in our family this year.  As I've reflected on all the change that has taken place I'm reminded of a simple yet profound truth; my God does not change!  Jesus Christ is constant - in fact the Word says He's the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  No matter what valleys or mountaintop experiences you've had this year isn't it good to know that God is faithful in every season?

In an earlier blog post I expressed my thoughts on transition.  I wrote this post the night before Scott and I found out that I am pregnant with twins!  Isn't that comical? In my own words transition is exciting, challenging, tiring, elating, fun, emotional and riviting. By definition transition means: movement, passage or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change.

Our year has been full of movement and change.  In July we moved from our home on Anthem Ridge to the comfortable and beautiful home of Scott's parents.  Our church, Grace North, has also transtioned 3 times since April.  We are finally "Home for Christmas" and are settled in our incredible new facility on Opportunity Way!  The Lord has truly worked miracles in each transition.  That is simply because He is a miracle working God!  We can never forget that God is cabable of and desiring to work miracles in all things.  Yes there have been hardships and trials, but the glory of the Lord has been revealed in each circumstance and situation.

Personally, even with major change there have been some fun family experiences we've had!  Here are a few of the highlights of 2010.

In March we enjoyed a wonderful family vacation to Newport Beach, CA which included two days at Disneyland!  This week of relaxation and family time was just what we needed!
 Newport Beach, CA
 Dominic loved the water!
 Scott & James enjoy the beach and waves!
 Disneyland - Jonathan was with us :)
 Dominic and his "best friend" Goofy!
 James and his favorite thing...believe it or cream!
California Adventure

In June we had the privilege of traveling to Atlanta for Foursquare Convention together with some of the wonderful staff at Grace North Church.

 Me with Stevie Mitchell in the van to the airport.
 On the subway in Atlanta with our co-worship pastors Torrey & Christina
 Torrey & Christina with Becky Casteel from Grace Chapel, Scottsdale
 Us with Marion and Joe Ingegneri
John Rusk (aka: Manian 4 Missions) on the big screen at convention!

In August, the tent that served as "church" for Grace North for 6 months collapsed in a severe rain and wind storm (see a previous post for more details.) Scott and several other pastors were inside the tent but were protected and walked away unharmed.

 GN tent before
GN tent after

The day after the tent collapsed in August, Scott traveled to Haiti with 7 other guys from Grace North to run a basketball camp for the kids and partner together with Foursquare Missionaries and family friends, John & Debbie Booker.  Despite the disaster, Scott and the team left determined and confident to minister the love and salvation message of Jesus Christ.  God used them powerfully!  Approx. 250 people gave their lives to the Lord!

Scott & Torrey Inez (fellow GN pastor and good friend) with some of the beautiful and excited Haitian kids!

Scott instructing a "jump and shoot" workshop.  His interpreter is with him in this picture and the little girl in front really gets it! :)
Scott (2nd from right) with most of the guys from Grace North in Haiti.

In September and October, Grace North Church transitioned once again, this time permanently, into our new church facility!  We also found out on October 29th that we are expecting twins. :)

Twins at 13 weeks (I am now - as of Christmas time, 16 1/2 weeks)

Scott exhorting the congregation at our dedication service in November.  Worship team in the background.

Grace North congregation worshipping!

Our Christmas was joyous and restful and we greatly look forward to 2011!  For those who may be wondering, our due date with the twins is June 8th, however we are expecting them to be born in May.  We will keep you updated on their growth. 

We love you, our friends and family, very much!  We pray blessings over your household. 

With Much Love,
Scott, Lydia, Dominic, James & Babies Ingegneri